Where did the eBooks go?

Regular visitors of the SCN eLearning catalogs would have noticed that the eBooks have suddenly disappeared - but don't worry!  What's happened is that we've renamed the eBooks to Demo and Tutorial.
Bye Bye eBooks From the ABAP eLearning Catalog

Why did we do this? 

The problem with the term eBook is that it doesn't accurately describe the content contained within it.  In fact, by definition, an eBook is really an electronic version of the traditional book: something you can download and read on your Amazon Kindle or some other reader application.  This created lots of confusion amongst new and habitual users.
By making this change, we hope to enhance the usability of the eLearning content by aligning the object types closer to the type of content they contain.  Therefore, when users see Demo, they can expect to see something similar such as a screen capture that demonstrates how to use or navigate an application.  In the case of a Tutorial, users can anticipate something more in depth such as narrated presentation slides - and maybe a sort demo.
You might not notice any tutorials immediately but over the next weeks we are going to evaluate our demo's to determine which ones should be reclassified as tutorials.

More Information

I've updated the eLearning Standards and Formats page with more information and definitions of all our eLearning types: demo, tutorial, podcast, webinar, eClass & SCN TV.

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