Exchange ECC customer master standard field with the CRM Z- fields (ECC -> CRM)

Exchange ECC customer master standard field with the CRM Z- fields (ECC -> CRM) 

This blog is a continuation of my previous blog CRM 7.0 How to --4  .

In this blog I will cover the Scenario 1 : Exchange ECC customer master standard field with the CRM Z- fields (ECC->CRM).

Since you have used AET/EEWB to enhance the BP master, You don't have to perform any task in CRM side as the tool (AET/EEWB) has already taken care of all the necessary task for you.

What you need to do is map the ECC field to the CRM custom fields. For that perform few simple steps mentioned below and your are done.

Step 1: In ECC Tr. SE11, look for the structure BSS_CENTI, double click on CI_CUST and create structure CI_CUST, Add all the fields added to BUT000 table in structure CI_EEW_BUT000. Make sure that you add the fields in the same sequence (this is very important)


Step 2: Follow the same for the structure BSS_CENTIX double click on the CI_CUST_X and create structure CI_CUST_X. In the CI_CUST_X follow the same sequence of fields but use the component type GB_BAPIUPD (A flag to indicate the change in the field).


Step 3: Copy the FM SAMPLE_FCTMODULE_DE_EIOUT to Z function module and all the code mentioned below to map the standard fields to the custom fields.
           LS_XKNA1               TYPE  KNA1,
           LS_CRMKUNNR            TYPE  CRMKUNNR.





  IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
    -CENTRAL_DATA-COMMON-DATA-CI_INCLUDE-ZZAFLD000003  = LS_XKNA1-XXXX. --> Here use the std field

   -CENTRAL_DATA-COMMON-DATA-CI_INCLUDE-ZZAFLD000004  = LS_XKNA1-XXXX. --> Here use the std field

    -CENTRAL_DATA-COMMON-DATA-CI_INCLUDE-ZZAFLD000005  = LS_XKNA1-XXXX. --> Here use the std field

    -CENTRAL_DATA-COMMON-DATA-CI_INCLUDE-ZZAFLD000006  = LS_XKNA1-XXXX. --> Here use the std field


The next two steps are required to call the above created FM while sending the data from ECC to CRM.
Step 4: Go to tr. SM30 and maintain table TBE24. Create a product and mark it active.


Step 5: Go to tr. SM30 and maintain table TBE34 for the event DE_EIOUT. This event will get trigger when data will flow from ECC to CRM.


That is it. Your standard field is mapped to the CRM custom fields and ready for exchange from ECC to CRM.

Reference note: Note 736595 - Exchange of EEW fields with R/3 customer master


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