After you performed setup of Root Cause Analysis for SAP MDM 5.5 with Solution Manager 7.0 SP 15 -Sp17, no data are being displayed in the Configuration and File Reporting and E2E Change Analysis for the MDM Server's ini files.
Reason and Prerequisites
Diagnostics setup does not recognize correctly the location of the MDM Configuration files (mds.ini, mdis.ini, mdss,ini...) on Unix MDM Servers. As a consequence, Configuration and File Reporting and E2E Change Analysis do not collect information from the MDM ini files.
This behavior was corrected for Solution Manager SP18
Perform the following steps for Solution Manager 7.0 SP15-17
1. Select Diagnostics Administration -> Managed Systems -> Agent Administration -> Applications Configuration -> Managed Systems ->>Application resources -> -> cca_systemlandscape.xml
2. Select Scope <MDM Server>. Download the cca_systemlandscape.xml to your local pc.
3. Open cca_systemlandscape.xml in an editor.
4. In section <InstallationPath /> check that the installation path is correct (probably Path="<MDM_Home>/mdm". Otherwise correct it.
5. Replace <Path Name="Import Server/" /> with <Path Name="mdis/" />
6. Replace <Path Name="Server/" /> with <Path Name="mds/" />
7. Replace <Path Name="Syndication Server" /> with <Path Name="mdss/" />
8. Save the changed cca_systemlandscape.xml.
9. Make sure that the scope is still set to your MDM server and upload the file via "Upload custom Resource"