Publications Bookmark
This new feature, released in MDM 7.1 sp04, enables publications management in a hierarchy bookmark structure.
Before this feature, the publications list was flat and un-sortable. With a large number of publications it was difficult to manage.
Now, in Publisher the publication tree drop down control will have a hierarchical structure (also seen in the File->Open dialog) with up to 3 root nodes: Personal Bookmarks, Global Bookmarks, All Publications.
Bookmarks can be organized via Main Menu 'File->Organize Publication Bookmarks'. A dialog is invoked
which allows the user to define hierarchy beneath the bookmark root nodes as well as dragging in
publications from the 'All Publications'. This dialog exposes right click menus as well as F2, Del, and drag
and drop functionality.
A new Console role function is introduced 'Functions->Publications->Modify Global Publication Bookmarks' to control write privileges to Global Publication Bookmarks (true by default). Please note that write privileges to 'Personal Bookmarks' are always allowed for an mdm user.
Image Links Palette Pane
This new feature, released in MDM 7.1 sp04, enables showing the properties of the family records‟ referenced images.
Before this feature the image properties were not accessible from Publisher.
Select from Main Menu View->Panes->Image Links to view the Image links palette.
Publisher Command Line Options to Launch Directly to Target
This new feature, released in MDM 7.1 sp04, allows launching a Publication or Family Hierarchy directly from a desktop shortcut.
From main menu select File->Send To->Desktop (create shortcut). This command will create a shortcut on
the desktop and populate the command line parameters according to the current selection state that the
publisher is in when the menu is invoked. The shortcut will be named according to the publication and
If a user wants to open Publisher (which previously would load the Family Hierarchy as a starting point),
open a publication and then select a node and spread; there is now a direct action that saves time.
Add Records to a Family by Drag and Drop from Data Manger to Publisher
This new feature extents the ability to manage the records of a family.
Before this feature, adding a new record to a family was done by adding a new record associated with the same family and refreshing the presentation Hierarchy in Publisher.
Now, it is possible to drag and drop a record from Data Manager to Publisher and add it to a family, even if it is not associated with that family.
To do that, open Data Manager on Records pane and drag a record onto the Publisher Record Tab. The record dragged will be added to the family‟s records.
Drag and
Copy/Paste Overridden Node Properties
This new feature allows copying a node‟s overridden (not inherited from the root) properties and applying (pasting) it to another node.
Before the feature it was only possible to either inherit node properties from parent or to propagate properties from parent node.
Now, it is possible to copy paste node properties between nodes even if they are not from the same branch. In the Presentation Hierarchy, Right click from a node and select "Copy overridden node properties". Select the destination node, right click and select "Paste overridden node properties". You may select which
properties to apply.
Free Form Styling of Texts on Spread
This new feature allows extended styling capabilities by applying text style from the spread.
Before this feature, it was possible to modify an item‟s style from the Item Properties tab based on preset
Now, it is possible to change an item‟s text style (and change only part of the text‟s style) from the spread
itself. The style can be set from the spread it self and does not need to be predefined as a style.
In the Spread Pane, double click on the text you wish to modify and apply the style in the Formatting dialog.
Note: A recalculation of the Presentation Objects will reset the styles.
Recordset Publication
This new feature enables creating a publication structure based of hierarchies linked to the main table records.
Before this feature it was possible to create either an Empty Publication or a Family Publication (based on the taxonomy table and further partitioning of it).
Now, creating a Recordset Publication allows the specification of any hierarchy field in the main table to base the structure to be created upon.
Also, any collection of masks can be used to prune down this structure to only the relevant nodes. The result is a pruned down hierarchy with leafs of record set publication nodes.
Select from Main Menu File-> New to create a new publication, select Recordset Publication from the dropdown publication type and select which Hierarchy to base the publication on from the Organize By dropdown list. Select Masks for pruning the publication, if needed.
MDM Publishing API and MDM Publishing Demo Web Portal
With MDM 7.1 the MDM publishing solution has been extended with Publishing Java API (PJA) and Publishing Web Portal (PWP) set of code examples.
The interface provided through PJA is currently a subset of what can be done through the Publisher
Application. The detailed technical description of the interface is provided in the form of "javadoc‟ in the SAP MDM installation package.
The Publishing API enables creating a custom interface of a "lean" publisher, generate and display publication through the web by an organization and external users.
Related Content
MDM Publisher Reference Guide
How to Create Publications with SAP NetWeaver MDM Using MDM Publisher
Best Practices for SAP NetWeaver MDM Taxonomy
For more information, visit the Master Data Management homepage.