This part of the blog series will focus on the Technical architecture part of the implementation of the Vendor Master Data governance solution based on SAP MDM, BPM and ECC.
We will take example of Vendor Master data creation scenario wherein after receiving a request for Vendor Creation, certain approvals are required (like Clearance from Procurement, Finance, etc) before a Vendor record is actually created in the system. SO we designed a Approval roces wherein a requester would initiate the creation request by logging onto the portal and filling up and submitting a request for Vendor Creation. This request in turn triggers the approval process that we designed in Netweaver BPM process. We used the MDM Java APIs for performing various CRUD operations for maintaining global data in MDM while used Remote Function Calls to read local data from ECC and PI webservices for posting the local data to ECC.
Below is the block architecture diagram showing various linkages between the components:
MDM web services generator (starting MDM 7.1 SP 04) can also be utilized for generating the web services to minimize the complexity and development time that is required for writing Java API code.
Next part of this blog series is focused on the challenges faced while implanting this solution.
Part 1 and Part 2 can be reached by clicking on the part link.