CLIX cpyArchive MDMHostSpec RepositorySpec [-A filename]

[-S segSize] [-F] [-N] [-O] [-D] [-XS] [-XSOVT]

Saves an MDM repository to an .a2a archive file. Use –A to specify the

filename rather than accept the MDM Server generated filename. Use –

S to split the file into smaller segments; segment size is suffixed with ‘K’,

‘M’, or ‘G’ to specify kilo-, mega-, or gigabytes respectively. Use the –F

flag to force the overwriting of an existing .a2a archive file. Use the –XS

flag to create a schema-only archive. Use the –XOVT flag to exclude

originals (O), variants (V) and thumbnails (T) from the archive (any

combination of O, V, and T is permitted, such as –XV to exclude only


Normally CLIX will wait until the MDM Server completes the archive

operation; use the –N flag to return immediately, leaving the archive

activity to run in the background. If you do so, you can check the status

later with the mdsInfo command.

MDM Console

CLIX Commands

CLIX cpyDuplicate MDMHostSpec sourceRepositorySpec

targetRepositorySpec Credentials [-Pn] [-F] [-N] [-O]


Duplicate a mounted MDM repository to a new repository. You can

overwrite an existing target repository by using the –F flag. Use the –N

flag to perform the operation asynchronously. Use the –P2 or –P4 flags

to specify 2 or 4 storage partitions rather than the default of 1.

CLIX cpyInfo MDMHostSpec [-D]

Whenever a cpyArchive command completes, the MDM Server

surveys and analyses every .a2a file in the MDM Server archive

directory. This command lists the contents of that report file.

CLIX cpyListArchives MDMHostSpec [-D]

Returns a list of the files in the MDM Server archive directory. You can

then choose one of these as the filename for the repUnarchive


CLIX cpySlave MDMHostSpec sourceRepositorySpec

slaveRepositorySpec Credentials [-Pn] [-F] [-N] [-O]


Duplicate a mounted MDM repository to a new repository and modify

the new repository to be a slave repository. You can overwrite an

existing target repository by using the –F flag. Use the –N flag to

perform the operation asynchronously. Use the –P2 or –P4 flags to

specify 2 or 4 storage partitions rather than the default of 1.

CLIX cpyUnarchive MDMHostSpec RepositorySpec filename [-Pn]

[-F] [-N] [-O] [-D]

Creates an MDM repository from an .a2a archive file specified by

filename. Use the –F flag to force the overwriting of an existing

repository by the same name on the same DBMS instance. Use the –N

flag if you wish to perform the processing in the background rather than

have CLIX wait until the operation finishes. Use the –P2 or –P4 flags to

specify 2 or 4 storage partitions rather than the default of 1.

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