There are two main approaches to integrate MDM with EP

  • Customized approach
  • Standard approach

In the customized way you can create your own Webdynpro screens and use the MDM Java API to integrate with MDM. You need to deploy the MDM_JAVA_API sca files on WAS as matching with your MDM version. Then you can use these API to call your MDM functions through portal.

In the standard way :SAP has some pre-delivered content to integrate with MDM .so you can use the MDM std IViews to integrate MDM with EP. In this standard approach you need to deploy the std business packages sca files that are available with the MDM version. On doing this you can use the std archives on portal to call MDM functionalities from EP, so you can have for eg an MDM search IView or MDM result set IView etc.

The Deployments that are needed on portal for integrating with MDM are:

  • MDM_JAVA_API 70 SP2 .sca for search and configuration UI

As you have finished the deployment, there are few configuration needed to be set so that you can start using MDM components on Portal.

Lauch Go.bat i.e. Visual Administrator and logon using your administrator credentials.

Go to services –> Connection container –> MDM Factory

Select the Porperties Tab and set the server details and maximum allowed connection i.e. pooling properties.

Now Go to Services –> Monitoring, here you can see the up-to-date information on MDM deployed components. You can also see the errors in the deployments if any.

With this your MDM deployment on portal is completed. In the next article we will see portal side configurations to connect to MDM repositories.

The Business content provided by SAP, for integration of EP MDM.
The landscape could be EP as a front end with MDM acts as a backend for it. Using the standard IViews the fields in the MDM can be displayed in EP side. Depending on the type of fields, you can customise the display of fields at the EP side.
Using the concepts of MDM Workflow or UWL or Guided procedures, you can implement the CMDM scenario. In this case you dont need PI.

SRM MDM Catalog:

  • BP_SRM 7.1 SP2
  • SRM_MDM_CAT 3.0 SP2
  • MDM_JAVA_API 7.1 SP1

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