Normally, each time you launch MDM Console, you must manually

mount one or more MDM Servers one at a time (even if you left them

mounted when you exited the previous MDM Console session).

However, when you exit MDM Console, MDM allows you to save the list

of currently mounted MDM Servers to an MDM Console settings file,

which then can be used to remount the servers as a group during a

subsequent MDM Console session.

NOTE ►► Just as the MDM Console settings file maintains a list of

currently mounted MDM Servers that you can use to remount them as

a group during subsequent MDM Console sessions, each MDM Server

maintains a list of currently mounted MDM repositories that persists

even after the MDM Server is stopped that it uses to automatically

remount them as a group each time the MDM Server is restarted.

During a subsequent MDM Console session, you can either load the list

from the file using the File > Open command from the main menu, or

you can load the list automatically by appending the full pathname of a

specific .mcs file to the command line that launches MDM Console.

NOTE ►► You can save different sets of mounted MDM Servers in

different .mcs files, which allows you to define and choose the specific

sets of MDM Servers that you want to mount as a group.

 To load a specific MDM Console Settings file from within MDM


1. Choose File > Open from the main menu

2. MDM prompts you to save the current mounted settings. Click:

 Yes

 No

 Cancel

– save the settings and exit

– exit without saving

– return to the MDM Console session


3. MDM opens the Windows file Open dialog. Navigate to the desired

folder, select the .mcs settings file you want to load, and click Open.

4. MDM replaces the set of mounted MDM Servers with the group of

servers listed in the file.


To automatically load an MDM Console Settings file at MDM

Console startup:

1. If a Desktop shortcut to MDM Console does not already exist, create


2. In the Shortcut properties of MDM Console Desktop shortcut, add the

following text to the Target field:

-f "full-pathname-of-settings-file.mcs"

3. where full-pathname-of-settings-file is the full pathname of the .mcs file

you want to use when launching MDM Console.

4. When you start MDM Console from the Desktop shortcut, MDM

automatically mounts the MDM Server(s) that were saved in the

specified .mcs file.

 To automatically save an MDM Console Settings file when exiting

MDM Console:

1. If a Desktop shortcut to MDM Console does not already exist, create


2. In the Shortcut properties of MDM Console Desktop shortcut, add the

following text to the Target field:

- q

3. When you exit MDM Console, MDM automatically saves the list of

currently mounted MDM Servers to the .mcs file.

TIP ►► You can save the list of currently mounted MDM Servers to

the current .mcs file at any time by choosing File > Save from the main

menu. You can also use the File > Save As command to save the list to

an .mcs file that you name yourself.

NOTE ►► If you unmount all MDM Servers from MDM Console, you

will not be prompted to save changes when exiting MDM Console nor

will the .mcs file be saved automatically.

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