Approximation of a "Many to Many" relationship in SAP MDM

 This is a guide to create many to many relationships in SAP MDM.
A company manufactures products in several organisations. These organisations contain several factories.
To maintain the factories there is a table which contains the organisations and the corresponding factories. This table is linked to the product table using the organisation. The products are extracted from a third party system and imported to MDM using the MDM Import Manager.
Data View:


Example result:

Configuration in MDM Console:
  • Create a maintable with the fields ID, Name and Organisation. The Organisation field is a Lookup Field to a Qualified Flat table. The option multi valued is select. The display field is identifier.

  • Create a qualified Lookup Table with the fields Organisation and Factory. The display field is Organisation. Both fields are non qualifiers.

Importing products and matching with existing Organisation to Factory linking using the Import Manager:
  • Select the Map fields using the button automap
  • Select the Organisation field on Source and Destination side and select in the value mapping Automap

With this option you connect the entries from the product table with the entries in the linking table.
For every new entry in the Organisation Factory Linking this mapping must be restarted.
  • Before you can start importing the tab Matching Records must be filled. There you select the Identifier as Matching Field and select the action for every identified item.

  • The last step is to start the import


Here you can see both factories of germany as part of the product.

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